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Enlaces Territoriales

Enlaces Territoriales para la Equidad de Género (Territorial Links for Gender Equality) is a Non-Profit Civil Association which works to prevent and eradicate gender-based violence from an intercultural perspective contemplating peoples rights.

Our Objectives

To promote gender equality with emphasis on the prevention and eradication of gender-based violence - from an intercultural perspective considering people’s rights, taking into the account the diverse and complex historical, social and community contexts settings.

To prompt the creation of territorial and community networks, and/or to strengthen existing ones, in order to build and exercise full equalitarian citizenship.

To help improve the quality of life of men and women considering that gender equality and fair relationships between one and the other is a shared responsibility.

Via research and education, to promote a critical point of view and popular knowledge

To promote human values such as solidarity, respect and cooperation.

¿Who we are?

We are a group of people with different professions, stories, experiences, knowledge, training and background who work to promote gender-based equality and to defend human beings rights.

We work on the premise of team work, articulating our expertise and recognizing the value of an interdisciplinary point of view and a collective construction.

Since the year 2003, we have been developing territorial actions of technical assistance, training and prevention of gender-based violence in the southern neighborhoods of the City of Buenos Aires. Some of the actions and projects that should be highlighted are the training of health promoters and community referrals on the prevention of violence against women, communicational tools, strengthening of community and social networks, and radio, print and visual campaigns on the topic, among others.

    Our Team:

  • Lic. Ester Mancera | ester.mancera@enlaces.org.ar

    Psychologist | Social Psychologist | Teacher | She has worked as a kindergarten, literacy and recreation teacher. She has developed projects for the public health department, helping girls and women suffering from abuse or cruelty. She coordinates national, regional and international projects which give overall assistance to women suffering from domestic or gender-based violence. She conducted Public Campaigns of awareness and prevention of Violence against Women. University Professor and Trainer.

  • Lic. Ianina Lois | ianina.lois@enlaces.org.ar

    Social worker, specializing in community and organizational communication. She has a Post-graduate degree in gender-based issues, society and public policies. University Professor and Researcher. Manager of social communication areas in public health institutions. She has developed health communication projects for immigrant and indigenous women, and taken part in interdisciplinary teams which worked to create audio-visual campaigns of awareness and prevention against gender-based violence.

  • Dra. Celsa Beatriz González | beatriz.gonzalez@enlaces.org.ar

    Pediatrician, solely dedicated to Public Health care. She was Chief Resident of Pediatrics and also worked at the Neonatology ward at the Madariaga Hospital, where she later became Chief of Service from 1997 to 2002. Activist for women s rights in the health sector, she was a pioneer who highlighted the social role of women - both health care providers and patients - who were deprived from their rights. In 2009, she was a guest speaker at a Congress on Violence and Trade slave in Spain, in the framework of International Cooperation. From then on, and motivated by the need to incorporate the focus on gender and human rights in the health department, she created the Unit of Gender and Health under the Secretariat of Health in the Province of Buenos Aires and received a scholarship to specialize in Gender and Public Policies by PAHO. She currently devotes her time to creating the first Delegation of SAMMED (Sociedad Argentina de Mujeres Médicas) which turned 20 years old in 2001- in the province of Buenos Aires. For the last 10 years, she has been the head of Murga de la Teta, a Social Communication project, which uses popular arts to develop activities of promotion and prevention of community health in topics such as Breastfeeding, Abuse and Slave trade, Violence against Women, Addictions and other issues which pose a tremendous threat for the community.

  • Lic. Fernando Álvarez | fernando.alvarez@enlaces.org.ar

    Psicó³logo Social | Actor.| Desde 1980 trabaja en cine, teatro y televisión. Se ha especializado en coordinación de grupos y desarrolla desde hace años acciones territoriales en prevención y promoción de salud. Cuenta con capacitación en violencia de género; a partir de la herramienta teatral genera acciones de sensibilización, divulgación y prevención en la problemática.

  • Lic Gustavo Iribarne | gustavo.iribarne@enlaces.org.ar

    Social anthropologist who specialized in Health issues, coordinator of groups and mental health operator. He has been working for more than 20 years in the Health Secretariat of the Government of Buenos Aires. He has conducted courses and completed his post-graduate studies in the fields of health, gender and sexuality. He trains community health promoters, organizes activities of promotion and prevention of health problems, STDs and HIV-AIDS. He has been a professor at the University of Buenos Aires and other renowned institutions for over twenty years.

  • Lic. Silvina Zeballos - Colaboradora | silvina.zeballos@enlaces.org.ar

    Nurse and University Professor

  • Ana María Remonte | anamaria.remonte@enlaces.org.ar

    Promotora de salud | Referente Comunitaria | Se ha formado en atención primaria de la salud y abordaje comunitario de la violencia de género. Trabaja desde la inserción territorial en el acompañamiento de las mujeres en situación de violencia. Tiene a cargo consejerías de salud, violencia y derechos humanos en la zona del Bajo Flores.